The closing Management Committee (MC) meeting of the COST Action FA1205 AQUAGAMETE was held at the premises of Szent István University in Gödöllő with 20 participants from 12 countries on 12-13th September, 2016. Presentations on the progress of the Action were given by the Chair, Dr. Juan F. Asturiano and several Working Group leaders. MC members also had the opportunity to visit the facilities of the Department of Aquaculture and get acquainted with its work.
The Action has a very intense 4-year work behind it. Just to give a perspective of the activities carried out by the involved parties: 102 Short-term Scientific Missions (STSM-s) were funded, 7 training schools and two International Workshops on the Biology of Fish Gametes were organized during the course of the Action, not to mention the several dozen scientific articles published in high-impact journals. Every single member of our Fish Reproduction Group has profited from our participation in this COST Action.
We would like to express our gratitude to COST and to all partners involved and looking forward to continued collaboration.