
New paper accepted in Fish Physiology and Biochemistry

A new paper of our group was accepted for publication in Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, entitled "In vitro toxicology test system based on common carp (Cyprinus carpio) sperm analysis".

The effect of heavy metals on the motility parameters of common carp sperm was investigated. In vitro test systems are widespread in ecotoxicology, and fish sperm can be a suitable model. For this reason, studies had been carried out in this topic; however, the published methods are not standard in several aspects (donor species, measured endpoint, etc.). In this study, a previously published toxicology-aimed sperm analysis protocol was tested to examine the effect of heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, nickel, zinc,) on common carp sperm. According to our results, PMOT is the most sensitive of the investigated parameters: dose-response was observed in case of each metal at low concentrations, already after 30 min of exposure. VCL was less sensitive: lower effects were observed at the same concentrations compared to PMOT. Among the examined parameters, LIN was the least affected: a dose-response was observed only in case of arsenic and mercury. The same sensitivity of motility parameters was observed on zebrafish sperm previously. Moreover, we found that PMOT, VCL, and LIN of common carp sperm were affected at the same concentrations as it had been observed in zebrafish, when the identical analytical protocol was applied. The only exception was As3+, where common carp sperm proved to be more sensitive: lower concentrations already reduced its motility parameters. Consequently, PMOT of common carp sperm is an accurate and fast bioindicator of aquatic pollution.

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