A new paper has been published in the journal Aquaculture Reports in collaboration with our colleagues from the Department of Animal Science, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana and the Lillafüred Trout Farm in Hungary. Enjoy!
Marinović, Z., Lujić, J., Sušnik Bajec, S., Djurdjevič, I., Snoj, A., Hoitsy, G., Urbányi, B., Horváth, Á., 2022. Evaluation of triploid rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss as a surrogate parent for brown trout Salmo trutta m. fario and grayling Thymallus thymallus. Aquac. Reports 24, 101163. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aqrep.2022.101163
Surrogate production through germline stem cell (GSC) transplantation is becoming a very promising technology in species management and ex situ species conservation. In the present study, we have evaluated if the triploid rainbow trout is a suitable surrogate parent for the production of other salmonid gametes. In three independent trials conducted in two countries, we have transplanted brown trout and grayling GSCs into triploid rainbow trout larvae as recipients. Two months after transplantation, dissection of recipients displayed that both spermatogonial (SSCs) and oogonial (OSCs) stem cells of both species were able to colonize recipient gonads. After three years of rearing, neither male nor female recipients displayed signs of gametogenesis progression. Species-specific (for both donor and recipient species) amplification of mtDNA control region on the other hand displayed a presence of donor-derived germ cells within recipient gonads. This indicated that even though donor cells were able to colonize recipient gonads, they remained in a dormant or quasi-dormant state, and did not progress with gametogenesis. This study displays that the rainbow trout is not a suitable recipient for all salmonid species, and that careful selection of recipients is a crucial step in developing the surrogate production technology.
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